1,628 research outputs found

    A viral system to optimise the daily drayage problem

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    The intermodal transport chain can become more efficient by means of a good organisation of the drayage movements. Drayage in intermodal container terminals involves the pick up or delivery of containers at customer locations, and the main objective is normally the assignment of transportation tasks to the different vehicles, often with the presence of time windows. This paper focuses on a new approach to tackle the daily drayage problem by the use of viral system (VS). VS is a novel bio-inspired approach that makes use of a virus-infection biological analogy that is producing very satisfactory results when dealing with complex problems with huge feasibility region.Unión Europea TEC2013-47286-C3-3-

    Un modelo para la acreditación de los sistemas ODR en la Unión Europea

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    Aquest article se centra en una proposta per a impulsar el desenvolupament dels ODR a la UE amb l'objectiu de contribuir al desenvolupament del mercat intern. En aquest article se suggereix que el creixement dels ODR està estancat a causa de diversos aspectes, com ara el desconeixement dels ODR entre els litigants, la falta de legitimitat dels proveïdors d'ODR i l'escassetat de finançament públic, entre d'altres. La meta en aquest article és plantejar la creació d'una regulació europea per a l'acreditació dels ODR que se centrin en la resolució de controvèrsies entre consumidors i empreses. La regulació proposada crearia estàndards legals per als ODR acreditats que emetin decisions executables i per a aquells la participació dels quals en el procés en línia sigui obligatòria. La base d'aquesta regulació es consolidaria a partir de les provisions processals existents incloses en el marc comunitari, igual que les millors pràctiques i codis de conducta desenvolupats per organismes internacionals. La regulació crearia una marca de confiança europea que s'atorgaria a aquells proveïdors ODR que en compleixin les disposicions legals. El compliment de la normativa seria controlat per organismes nacionals i comunitaris, per mitjà dels centres europeus de consum.This article focuses on a proposal for stimulating online dispute resolution (ODR) in the European Union, to contribute to the development of the internal market. It is suggested that expansion of ODR has come to a halt due to various factors, such as the litigants being unaware of ODR, lack of legitimacy of ODR services providers and limited public funding. We put forward the creation of a European regulatory system for the accreditation of ODR services that centre on the settling of disputes between consumers and companies. The proposed regulation would lead to legal standards for accredited ODR providers that pronounce enforceable sentences and for those obliged to take part in the online processes. Consolidation of the foundations for the system would be based on the existing provisions in the EU framework, as are best practice and codes of conduct developed by international bodies. The regulation would create a European seal of confidence to be given to those providers of ODR services that meet the legal requirements. Compliance with the norms would be controlled by national and EU bodies through European Consumer Centres.Este artículo se centra en una propuesta para impulsar el desarrollo de los ODR en la UE con el objetivo de contribuir al desarrollo del mercado interno. En este artículo se sugiere que el crecimiento de los ODR está estancado debido a varios aspectos, tales como el desconocimiento de los ODR entre los litigantes, la falta de legitimidad de los proveedores de ODR y la escasez de financiación pública, entre otros. La meta en este artículo es plantear la creación de una regulación europea para la acreditación de los ODR que se centren en la resolución de controversias entre consumidores y empresas. La regulación propuesta crearía estándares legales para los ODR acreditados que emitan decisiones ejecutables y para aquellos cuya participación en el proceso en línea sea obligatoria. La base de esta regulación se consolidaría a partir de las provisiones procesales existentes incluidas en el marco comunitario, al igual que las mejores prácticas y códigos de conducta desarrollados por organismos internacionales. La regulación crearía una marca de confianza europea que se otorgaría a aquellos proveedores ODR que cumplan sus disposiciones legales. El cumplimiento de la normativa sería controlado por organismos nacionales y comunitarios, por medio de los centros europeos de consumo

    Negocia o Atente a las Consecuencias

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    El momento de la valorización del conocimiento

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    Vidas resilientes y pedagogía de la reafirmación. Estudio de la Identidad resiliente en contextos de desventaja social, cultural y jurídica.

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    La presente comunicación trata sobre un estudio etnográfico- narrativo realizado en un barrio en desventaja sociocultural de Málaga denominado Palma Palmilla. El eje central del análisis ha sido, además de la etnografía, la interpretación de varios relatos y el desarrollo de una historia de vida resiliente en un contexto relacionado con la drogadicción y la violencia. Estas vidas coinciden en un dispositivo socioeducativo (hogar social), denominado La Casa de la Buena Vida, el cual por sus características, se ha situado como dispositivo que posibilita o incide en el cambio. Se entiende la Resiliencia desde la educación como un proceso de aprendizaje y cambio hacia una vida digna y feliz, jugando un papel fundamental en los contextos de exclusión como forma de superación de las barreras simbólicas y frustraciones sistemáticas a las que muchas personas se someten. Aprender y vivenciar otras formas de vida (sin obviar las experiencias de vida), se sitúa como una necesidad educativa esencial del ser humano y que requiere de su atención para que las personas se capaciten a poder desarrollar sus vidas de manera autónoma. Unido a esto, se observa como la experiencia de muchas personas que intentan cambiar sus vidas, por motivos tales como la drogodependencia, la violencia…, quedan en expectativas adormecidas y anuladas por, entre otros motivos, la confrontación de las distintas culturas sociales y las alternativas de vida posibles. Por lo tanto este proceso resiliente debe desarrollarse desde esferas personales como colectivas, retomando una postura afirmativa para afrontar la vida desde un posicionamiento activo socialmente.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Automating SLA-Driven API Development with SLA4OAI

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    The OpenAPI Specification (OAS) is the de facto standard to describe RESTful APIs from a functional perspective. OAS has been a success due to its simple model and the wide ecosystem of tools supporting the SLA-Driven API development lifecycle. Unfortunately, the current OAS scope ignores crucial information for an API such as its Service Level Agreement (SLA). Therefore, in terms of description and management of non-functional information, the disadvantages of not having a standard include the vendor lock-in and prevent the ecosystem to grow and handle extra functional aspects. In this paper, we present SLA4OAI, pioneering in extending OAS not only allowing the specification of SLAs, but also supporting some stages of the SLA-Driven API lifecycle with an open-source ecosystem. Finally, we validate our proposal having modeled 5488 limitations in 148 plans of 35 real-world APIs and show an initial interest from the industry with 600 and 1900 downloads and installs of the SLA Instrumentation Library and the SLA Engine.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2015-70560-RMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades RTI2018-101204-B-C21Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte FPU15/0298

    Use of discrete choice to obtain urban freight evaluation data

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    The ex-ante evaluation of urban freight solutions is a complex task, due to the interference of different stakeholder groups with different views and objectives. The multi-actor multi-criteria methods have developed as a response to this scenario, but the determination of the weights required by them remains an unclear and controversial task. We propose the use of discrete choice methods as a powerful tool to confront these multi-faced evaluation problems, since the resulting surveys are flexible and easy to respond, and do not give away the final quantitative results. We have applied this methodology to the selection of urban freight solutions in the city of Seville, in Spain, followed by the determination of the relative weights associated to different objectives, both analyses carried out from the side of the carriers stakeholder group.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2013-47286-C3-3-

    Fostering SLA-Driven API Specifications

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    Software architecture tendencies are shifting to a microservice paradigm. In this context, RESTful APIs are being established the standard of integration. API designer often identifies two key issues to be competitive in such growing market. On the one hand, the generation of accurate documentation of the behavior and capabilities of the API to promote its usage; on the other hand, the design of a pricing plan that fits into the potential API user’s needs. Besides the increasing number of API modeling alternatives is emerging, there is a lack of proposals on the definition of flexible pricing plans usually contained in the Service Level Agreements (SLAs). In this paper we propose two different modeling techniques for the description of SLA in a RESTful API context: iAgree and SLA4OAI.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2015-70560-RJunta de Andalucía P12-TIC-1867Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2014-53986-RED

    Online Dispute Resolution for Consumers in the European Union

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    E-commerce offers immense challenges to traditional dispute resolution methods, as it entails parties often located in different parts of the world making contracts with each other at the click of a mouse. The use of traditional litigation for disputes arising in this forum is often inconvenient, impractical, time-consuming and expensive due to the low value of the transactions and the physical distance between the parties. Thus modern legal systems face a crucial choice: either to adopt traditional dispute resolution methods that have served the legal systems well for hundreds of years or to find new methods which are better suited to a world not anchored in territorial borders. Online Dispute Resolution (ODR), originally an off-shoot of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), takes advantage of the speed and convenience of the Internet, becoming the best, and often the only option for enhancing consumer redress and strengthening their trust in e-commerce. This book provides an in-depth account of the potential of ODR for European consumers, offering a comprehensive and up to date analysis of the development of ODR. It considers the current expansion of ODR and evaluates the challenges posed in its growth. The book proposes the creation of legal standards to close the gap between the potential of ODR services and their actual use, arguing that ODR, if it is to realise its full potential in the resolution of e-commerce disputes and in the enforcement of consumer rights, must be grounded firmly on a European regulatory model. Introduction 1. Consumer Protection and Access to Justice in the E-Commerce Era: A European Perspective 2. Online Dispute Resolution as a Consumer Redress Strategy 3. Consumer Adjudicative Processes Supported by ICT: Court Processes and Arbitration 4. Online Mediation for Consumers: The Way Forward 5. The Need for a Legal Framework to Develop Consumer ODR in the E